Download the album "This Way to Power" This Way To Power - The Housekeeping Society

28 Apr 2010

April update...

Written by Ric

Thought I'd update the blog to let you all know how things are going. Basically were very busy. I'm in the process of finishing off the new single "The Wheel" which (I'm hoping) will be done in the next couple of weeks. Everything is recorded and is sounding awesome - just a couple of synth parts to add and we're done. Me and the guys are really excited about it - i think it sounds genuinely different to anything we've heard before. we've got a brass band on there, some flutes and some cello as well as some samples and sound effects recorded at Styal Mill - cant wait for the world to hear it.

At the same time as this we've been sorting out other elements of band life - Spence is in the process of building our new website (which is looking ace BTW) while Ivan is liaising with artists to try and get the visual elements of the band up and running. Also, we've teamed up with a company called totmerch to design some T-Shirts which are looking great.

As well as the single we've been working on the recording of some other songs "Little Boy Lost" and "All That Changes" in the studio and we're really excited about them both - they should be done fairly soon as the lion share of the recording was done last weekend so there's just a few overdubs to deal with.

There are also some ideas floating about to do with launch gigs and live recordings as well as putting a little "making of..." film together so there is much to be excited about. Naturally, we will continue to keep you all in the loop as best as we can. Exciting times for The Housekeeping Society...